Staying optimistic

There are things in life that make you question the status of ur sanity, ur being, ur physical element in that moment. I feel like this things open our eyes to the reality of the world. The confusion in that moment create clarity and a new perspective for the rest of our lives.

This clarity though is not set in stone. I feel like It shows it's presence but expects your constant work to keep it. The more you work towards it the more you thrive and experience it.

I feel like I found that life defining moment. It sure as hell made me question my sanity. Like a whole lot. But it gave me the clarity I really needed. So what I wanna say is one of the worst experiences in this worst time turned out to be the best gift the universe ever gave to me. I learned that good isn't always good and neither is bad. They give you the opportunity to thrive and prevail. They give you the chance to learn and grow. To be more self aware and to love yourself. They give you the chance to reflect. Get the best out of every situation. Open your eyes. Bad isn't always bad


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