Fuck depression

 Depression is emotional cancer.You know you're depressed when you feel hopeless, lose interest in things u used to like, difficulty on concentrating and making decisions. And you feel the only way out is suicide. But that ain't the way even if you feel like this world will be better of without u and its hard to come out of those feelings all u hear is some sad songs abt depression and mumbling about drug and some shit..even there is so much fucked up Instagram posts that praise about being sad and depressed. But remember you can always open up to someone you feel close to, a friend, family even a therapist just to get it out of your chest .Even when you see your loved ones act out don't ignore it pls I beg you don't, especially on this time its gonna be hard for them because some people use school, work and hanging out with friends as a escape from what they're going through to distruct themselves and now they can even do that. So check up on ur friends ask how they doing, instead of judging there life choices ask why they're doing that, try to see it from there perspective be there shoulder to cry on.  And anyone who is reading this thinking your life is over trust me it's not. I know what it's like being a teenager in this fucked up society,  I don't know what your going through but u will get thorough it takes time but dont lose hope, and reach out to people. I'm not saying just because u read some paragraph about it its gonna cure ur problems, no that's not the point I'm telling you suicide is not your way out, got so many people that would miss u just hold on to wt u got, time will heal things I promise u. Find something to live for set a goal and fight for it. And please check up on your friends and family it takes one phone call.


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