A Thought

 Think about this for a moment: what's your context? How do you understand things? It seems to me all of us have a frame of reference, we all see the world through our own unique lenses. Context arises in development, a frame of reference is built from scratch on blank personality to later be upheld as a fundamental truth, "what is the history of this protocol?" " where did it start?" "When did it start?" "How did it start?" " Why did it start?" " Who was the first to do so?" I don't have an answer for any of that, but for sure I have possibilities in the now: to understand the effect, not the intention; to trace the extent, not the record; and to make an alteration. "Does it need to be changed?!" Our natural instinct often lies to us. Our ego thrives on the thoughts of significance and supreme perception; that same belief is the reason for our downfall. "Does it have to be changed?!" I don't know! Amidst the ages, there are only decisions. Right or wrong is not foreseen, never in the exact moment conclusive; yet debatable. But the first fundamental truth I have come to realize: choices are ineluctable; and their essence only unwraps through time. Our frame of reference encage our choices. It constructs the bricks of our mental borderline confining our knowledge, trapping our identity, and defining our context. Stop contouring the edges for a second and ask yourself, "what is beyond the wall?" "Nothing?!" "Everything?!" Hold everything you know in your hands; and now question it, "is it an ultimate fact?!" "Can it not be changed?" Fundamental truth number two: there are endless possibilities, a million combination of the trillion elements of life. Our intellect is by default limitless: Our mind can be reformed to uphold any context, our mise-en-scene rearranged; then "who is to say what is unorthodox?" If the truth is ambient, "should there even be a borderline?" To defy tradition is a choice; and to abide, an alternative. The option is not two, but three: ignorance?! Or maybe four? Madness?! "Which is right or wrong?" I don't know, it is not foreseen, and in this exact moment inconclusive but debatable. I argue abandoning all reason is espial, but a gamble. It is exhilarating, yet so perilous. Every step would be a discovery, and yet a displace. You could gain but you have to lose. "What do you choose?" I don't know what to choose, I could choose the uncertainty. I can bet all I have on Emprise risking to forever be lost and to be alone for it appears truly or seemingly a fruitful quest to divulge existence, to explain actuality, subsistence the pulse to the stump of our quintessence: Who am I? ...........more importantly.......what am I?........questions nullified through the same ages for "survival?!" " Sanity?!" "Reality?!" Questions buried outside the wall but not dead inside me. I cant choose ignorance for the train of innocence has already left. Madness sounds intractable; and it scares me. To abide, I did; it was a choice already made for years. But understanding has left me on an intersection with a chance to set on a different course. The last fundamental truth that haunts me: the essence of life is not illumination , but the life lived; not the many choices I uncover, but the choices I make. It is not complicated, it is quite simple."Right?" Now, who here knows which one is equivalent in value with time? For the time is the true boundary.

The thought is the most powerful thing,  and the mind the most dangerous place.


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